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Wednesday, November 5, 2008, 11:16 AM
CCB sia... KNL... so many things pissed me off... so sad...some1 pls tok to me pls (Heart to Heart) *Shy.. .. really wan to burst liao... NABEH!!!...... Gv me 2 more days, Will forget all of U* n get used to the days without U* all Not gg to ask again Not gg to care anymore Not gg to bother u anymore Not gg to friend* with u anymore ( R we best friend at e 1st place? or jus partying friend?) BIG CCB!!!! *term n condition apply Monday, November 3, 2008, 11:51 PM
3rd week + 1st day of ITPReached sch at 8.30 meeting with supervisor discuss on e project.. everything seems ok only after itp went to NP looking for kk. sit in few mins for his lesson. n they keep saying i am from SP sia. den e rest of classmates n e lecturer like look strange on me sia haha.. e lecture so nice la... gg to sit in for his class next week again.. meeting choting,delun, mingli for steamboat at MS.. gg with kk n took bus from his hse at bukit timah. while walking to e bus stop, delun calling n asking wher we were. we knw we r gg to be vr late den i lie to him tat we r on e CTE expressway, den got a mother n her 2 sons walking in front of us heard our conversation n keep laughing with us.. so paisah la... lie liao den found out by strangers hhaa... finally e bus come but e bus lightning was black out. e aircon n tvmobile is working, only e lamps not working. so e driver stop servicing more passengers. her only allows alightning so e whole journey quite fast haha.. after dinner.. kk was confuse how to go home. we r in cityhall yet he stay in bukit timah.. he can go clementi, tpy, yishun, or bb to change to bus to reach his place. at e end he companied us until yishun hahaa... promise to drink next monday in Halo bar with them.. haha. looking forward it.. tmr meeting supervisor at 2pm. hope i can finish e task given b4 2pm hahaa... jus now my supervisor suddenly ask me if i wan to work on e project'parts alone. OMG... i am really waiting for this chance. hahaaa unexpectedly, he requests it to me 1st hahaa.. of course I WOULD LIKE.. hahaa chill... :) Sunday, November 2, 2008, 6:33 PM
ITP2nd week of itp jus passed yet task hasnt been done yet.. so confusing sia.. i oredi nt good in programming den work with another confusing guy, make my itp worsen..wth.. everytime got prob always saying 'i really dunno wad to do" nabeh.. u think this sentence will solve ur problem meh?! we itp in sch so we can ask our teacher to help but... asking him to ask too but, yaa de same problem n his old sentence!!!. ask him call his teacher yet dunno how to ask his teacher abt. at e end i toking with his teacher.. i asking my html teacher for help also but ya,at least i solve smt.. sibeh sianz.. like tat how to meet my supervisor tmr sia!!!... after this task, think i nt gg to team with him again for this project coz we nt helping each other, mus as well do own task.. wth... sibeh fucking sian.. watching movie "the coffin" with jiayan, gret, liheng n another girl (forget her name) sitting near e middle row.. e row behind us, a grp of young ahLian, fucking noise la, keep commenting e movie for every mins,, CCB, got 1 girl even fighting on e phone!! wth.. wacth half way, moved to e other seat infront.. felt tat e movie abit short den e ending like abit, ermm.. not expected bah... thank jiayan for e cookies hha. after movie went to lucky plaza, paragon n PS. gret bought her a pink GUESS wallet at PS. quite cheap though hahaa after that Went to night cycling with NP's friends n Aljunied CC youth grp total of abt 14 of us?!.. supposedly to mee at ecp at 9 but some of us jus reach at 11pm hahaa.. paid $5. got bicycle,helmet, unlimited towel, cake, h2o drink... cycle from ECP to changi.. nt really fun when we heading to changi coz we all cycle inside, not on e main road so cant see anything.. den there was also anothet "BIG" grp cycling den similar road with us.. hahaa.. like e changi run way haha... so longgggggggg............. heading back, we cycle main road, so expect more.. hhaaa.. when we reaching pit "G" at ecp, " storm " welcome us. found a shuttle (did i spell wrongly) which is near a toilet. den e CC ppl go to toilet there for natural job den e rest of us were in e shuttle. we can see tat e other side of e sea was raining bcz of those cruise lightning n at e same time bedok was raining also.. soon after, heavy raining came, e shuttle didnt play his role. we all r wet, super wetm den decided to run to e toilet to meet up with CC ppls.. wait till 7am, still medium raining, we cycle back to MC, raining n wind make us tremble like shit.. but no choice, dun think too much jus cycle back.... n my hair, nabeh. red red n red.. 2 towels of mine bcz red bcz i keep wipping my head.. now my hair like turn to dark purple..... really duno wad to do with my itp task. den jus now see my tat partner msn private msg "gg to sp make me more reading manga n games. " den dunno wad writing manga.. stupid him.,. wan make our supervisor knw u r reading manga when doing itp is it? wth, den i sms to complain him to remove e msg.. walao.. we got our supervisor msn n he online also.. walao.. IDIOT!!! nabeh!!! see tmr how we die........................................................ |