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Wednesday, December 3, 2008, 6:43 PM
i really feel pity on him..so old liao still so kanalan!!!.. can u pls be more mature?!? Hahaa keep saying he how good how pro but at e end how? jus make urself more worst. Why dun u do a self-survey asking ppl ard u how they think abt U?!? i AM SURE MORE PPL WILL SAY U R JUS SUX HAHAHA... cheers.. 1:16 AM
Sigh.. too happy liao.. a reply/reaction, show how immature are u..ermm think i should feedback abt his post, coz i am sure HE(alpha) is taking about me.. 1. He said i can be studying for my DBMS Paper @ 12ambut u fucking made me fucked up.my Paper is @ 830 or 8am tomorrow. i havent started. my response: nabeh. u r the one who msn me 1st so dun blame me wasting ur time for exam. if u think u should cherish ur time, u can dun reply after my msg right? so, u serve u right.. 2. he said chee bye. faggot. who the fuck u think u are.senior so wad. like u think u know ur so right? my response: thank for putting tat "senior". erm i should say i only feel right after i getting all e useful information. n now i react as i am right coz i got everything good.. 3. he said saying i help other event so people can see me as a god?lanjiao, will i sacrifice mi time, money, resources, sleep, studies, MY OWN EVENT?just so i can be seen as a god? my response: think u need to read back our msn conversation n link back. Didnt urself saying bcz of other events, u delay ur event meeting?! bcz of tat, i reply " so u think u helping n sacrifice den u wan ppl think u r god, so WEI DA?" arent i saying tat. pls refer back to ur msn conversation 4. he said: im doing it out of fucking good will. i helped other people and this is the fucking shit i get? my response: did i ever say u no good or blame u for helping out ppl event?? 5. he said: somemore, so what if i said dun come fuck up with my meeting,also never say u, u dont have a sense of humour.den down have so much grievances. my reponse: nvr say me? but ppl on e spot, can witness tat u say "we need u all , come meeting only tok tok only" after i saying i can help ur ADD. if u think those flow didnt response to my word den i think ya, u need to learn "how to follow thw flow of conversation" 6. he said: u keep chu stunt say wan help this help thatthen in the end, never turn up. my response: Ppl, after reading no.5, will u still come for e meeting?!? Ok, if u say u will but will u go for a meeting when no one inform u, when and wher e meeting is hold?? use brain pls?? 7. he said i believe in my people, mi friends.i dont need to win ur favour. u nothing to do come find trouble. my response: i no need u to win my favour. i nvr come find u trouble, u r one who msn me 1st to start the trouble. 8. he said no wonder, i scared i say out everything u nowhere to hide nia. my response: ya, i open my ear big big to listen wad u wan to say out. 9. he said im not that bastard of a cheebye though. my response: have i ever say u r a bastard of a cheebye ?? 10. he said dont backstab like a sissy, unlike u my response; U sure u dun backstab?? so u think i should shoot u infront of dmit ppl (which will damaged ur own claim pro image) or rather than i response to ur friends abt my opinion?!? backstab like a sissy?!? u mean i backstab u sissyly? erm funny!! hahaa 11. in his blogspot he said i everyday in SP cfm eat kfc, dmit ppl sux my response: why dmit ppl sux? bcz they ask u eat kfc? did they force u with knife?? blackmail u?? erm i knw u would say, u nvr say me, mind my own business but i am sorry tat i am dmit ppl also cheers lastly, too bad that i found few 4/3 stars hotels (got name one also!!!) which offer me better price and better food. which is below UR $70, MY PRICE ALL INCLUDE GST N OTHER TAXES. GOT 1 HOTEL GOT SHARK FIN LOR also below $70.. U have it?!? no right? too bad SO YA, WISH U GOOD LUCK FOR UR UPCOMING EVENT sAND HOPE IT WILL BE A SUCCESS ONE IF NOT, THINK U WILL BE ONE NOWHERE TO HIDE.. OK GOOD NIGHT |